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Debit Cards

Withdraw or deposit cash through our ATM network, pay for your purchases anywhere, or withdraw cash at our Cash Agents in more than 165 islands.

American Express Debit card

American Express Green

Daily cash withdrawal limits

Foreign transaction limits

Joining and Annual Fee

Amex Debit Gold card

American Express Gold

Daily cash withdrawal limits

Foreign transaction limits

Joining and Annual Fee

Mastercard Debit Standard

Mastercard Debit Standard

Daily cash withdrawal limits

Foreign transaction limits

Joining and Annual Fee

Visa Debit Card

VISA Classic Debit

Daily cash withdrawal limits

Foreign transaction limits

Joining and Annual Fee

Islamic Visa Classic

Islamic Visa Classic

Available with your BML Islamic account, use this Shari’ah compliant card to withdraw or deposit cash through our ATM network, pay for your purchases at all retail outlets, or withdraw cash at our Cash Agents in more than 165 islands.

Daily cash withdrawal limits

Foreign transaction limits

Joining and Annual Fee

When your card is ready

You will receive an SMS from us when your card is ready for collection. Please visit the branch mentioned in the SMS to collect your card during banking hours. If you would like to collect your card from another branch, please let us know through Internet Banking or submit a letter to the nearest BML branch.

Learn more

Useful downloads

Debit Card Application Form English
Card Transaction Dispute Form English
Debit Cards T&C English / Dhivehi