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Bank of Maldives

Credit Cards

Choose from either our American Express, Visa or Mastercard Credit Cards. All our cards are accepted worldwide and you have access to the largest POS and ATM network in the country. 

Shop using credit cards
Bank of Maldives Credit Cards

Key features

All of our credit cards have the following features to help you stay in control:

You can enjoy up to 51-days interest free and minimum payment requirement of 5% of your monthly balance. 

*Instant approval of credit card limit is applicable for individuals who has received their salary consecutively for 12 months via BML payroll service and has maintained a satisfactory credit history with us.

To check your expected Credit Limit Login to BML Internet Banking

American Express Platinum card

American Express Platinum

Comes with complimentary Priority Pass for airport lounge access worldwide to the cardholder as well as travel Insurance.  

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

American Express Gold

American Express Gold

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

American Express Green

American Express Green

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

Mastercard World

Mastercard World

Travel benefits including Mastercard Airport Lounge programs (LoungeKey) as well as travel Insurance. 

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

Mastercard Platinum

Mastercard Platinum

Travel benefits including Mastercard Airport Lounge programs (LoungeKey) as well as travel Insurance.  

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

Mastercard Gold

Mastercard Gold

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

Mastercard Standard

Mastercard Standard

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

Holding BML Amex Cards
For American Express credit cards

BML EasyPay

With our American Express credit cards, you can also take advantage of our easy installment plan EasyPay to pay for goods in installments at participating merchants.

Visa Signature

Visa Signature

Comes with complimentary Priority Pass for airport lounge access worldwide to the cardholder and guests as well as travel Insurance. 

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases.

Existing Visa Credit Card holders can opt to change their card for a USD card via Internet or Mobile Banking. You can also apply for a new card online and use without any foreign spend limit restriction.

Visa Platinum

Visa Platinum

Comes with complimentary Priority Pass for airport lounge access worldwide to the cardholder as well as travel Insurance. 

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases.

Existing Visa Credit Card holders can opt to change their card for a USD card via Internet or Mobile Banking. You can also apply for a new card online and use without any foreign spend limit restriction

Visa Gold

Visa Gold

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

Existing Visa Credit Card holders can opt to change their card for a USD card via Internet or Mobile Banking. You can also apply for a new card online and use without any foreign spend limit restriction

USD Visa Credit Card

Visa Classic

Visa Classic

You may use your credit card up to the maximum card limit for local purchases

Existing Visa Credit Card holders can opt to change their card for a USD card via Internet or Mobile Banking. You can also apply for a new card online and use without any foreign spend limit restriction

Man and woman smiling on wedding day

Travel insurance for credit cardholders

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a USD Visa Credit Card?

The USD Visa Credit Card is a dollar credit card offered by BML, targeted towards customers who pay to card in dollars and want to transact without sending foreign transaction limit increase requests to the Bank. New customers can apply for Visa Credit Card and choose the USD payment option. Existing customers can convert their existing Visa Credit Card to a USD Visa Credit Card. Payment to this card can only be made in US Dollars.

2. Which card products will have a USD version?

The following card products will have a USD version:

• Visa Credit Standard

• Visa Credit Gold

• Visa Credit Platinum

• Visa Credit Signature

• Visa Corporate Card

3. How do I apply for a new USD Visa Credit Card / USD Visa Credit Corporate Card? 

You can apply online via BML Internet Banking or Mobile Banking App.

4. Can I only make repayments to the USD Visa Credit Card in US Dollars? 


5. Can I convert my existing Visa Credit Card to a USD Visa Credit Card?

Yes, you can apply to convert your existing card via BML Internet Banking or through our Mobile Banking App.

6. Can I change back to my previous Visa Credit Card after converting to a USD Visa Credit Card?

 No, this is a permanent change.

7. Can I keep my existing Visa Credit Card and apply for an additional USD Visa Credit Card?

No, you can only have one type of Visa Credit Card. However, you can request for an additional card (either Mastercard or American Express) after converting your Visa Credit Card.

8. If I have a Mastercard or an American Express but not a Visa Credit Card, can I request for a USD Visa Credit Card?


9. What will happen to my current outstanding balance on my existing Visa Credit Card after it is converted to a USD Visa Credit Card?

You have 3 options, which you can select online at the time of application:

• Settle outstanding balance in MVR before converting to USD Visa Credit Card

• Transfer the outstanding balance to another credit card (either Mastercard or American Express)

• Keep the outstanding balance in USD Visa Credit Card and repayment for that will be in USD going forward.

10. What is the daily limit and the monthly limit on the Card?

You will enjoy the credit limit extended to you on your credit card. No other foreign transaction limits will be in effect for this card.

11. Should I have a USD account with BML to apply for a USD Visa credit card?

Yes, you must have a USD account to apply for a USD Visa Credit Card. Your USD account must also be set as your card’s auto pay account.

12. Can I make repayments to USD Visa Credit Card via ATMs?

Yes, you can make repayments to the card in dollars through our USD ATMs. MVR cash will not be accepted for card repayment. You may also make repayment via debit card at any ATM from a USD account.

13. Can I make repayment to USD Visa Credit Card via cheques?

USD cheques will be accepted but any cheques in MVR will be returned by the Bank.

14. Will there be any changes to the current overall credit limit if I have more than one card? 

The current overall credit limit across all your cards will remain the same.

15. Is card plastic design different?


16. How many days will it take for the card to be processed?

New credit cards will be processed within 10 working days. If you are converting your existing card to a USD card, it will take 5 days. You will receive an SMS once successfully completed.

Useful downloads

Card Transaction Dispute Form English
Credit Cards T&C English / Dhivehi
Outlets Offering BML Easy Pay English
Request to change to USD Visa Credit Card English
FAQ - USD Visa Credit Card English
Credit Card Application Form English
Supplementary Credit Card Application Form English
Sample consent letter format for expatriate customers English
FAQ - Instant Credit Cards English