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Personal Bank Accounts

Kids' Saver Account

Help lay a solid foundation for your children’s future with BML Kids’ Saver - a dedicated account for children below 18 years of age. 

Who is this account for?

Key benefits

MVR AccountsUSD Accounts
Minimum Balance MVR 100USD 10
Earn interest*3.0% per annum3.5% per annum

* Please refer to our Schedule of Charges for full details on Interest calculations

Open a BML Kids' Saver Account

If you are in the below listed area, you can take a token through QueueBee & visit the relevant Branch to submit the BML Kid's Saver Account application form along with the required documents.

QueueBee tokens will be issued from 8:30 am to 2 pm in Male’ area and all other atoll based branches.

If you are residing in any other island, visit the nearest branch and submit BML Kid's Saver Account application form along with required documents.

Our Account Opening Centre and branches are open from 8:30am to 2:00pm, Sundays to Thursdays (except public holidays).

You will need the BML Kids' Saver Account Opening Form along with all the supporting documents. The form should be completed by the Parent or Legal Guardian who will operate the account.

Useful downloads

Kids' Saver Account Opening Form English / Dhivehi
Account Opening T&C English / Dhivehi
FAQ - Kids' Saver Account Dhivehi