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Press Release



Bank of Maldives announces unsecured loan and financing up to MVR 1.2 million English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives announces recipients of Sports Scholarship English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives recognizes the pioneers of the bank as it looks back on its 40 years history English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives Chairperson reflects on 40 years of the bank's pivotal role in the economy English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives enables RTL bus payments for Mastercard and Visa cards English / Dhivehi


Bank of Maldives to Donate 33 Motorised Wheelchairs to support people with mobility impairments English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives Enables Authenticator Apps for Online Banking English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives announces winners of Small Grants Fund English / Dhivehi


Bank of Maldives Honours Long Serving Employees English / Dhivehi


Bank of Maldives announces Q3 results with a strong financial performance English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives becomes the official partner of National Surfing Teams English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives announces the winners of its hackathon English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives honours top performing employees at annual staff awards English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives to appoint New Chief Executive Officer English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives Launches its Innovation Lab Hackathon English / Dhivehi


Bank of Maldives announces Sports Scholarship for top athletes English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives Selects Islands for its Fehi Project English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives announces recipients of Housing Grant English / Dhivehi
Bank of Maldives Celebrates Success of Graduate Internship Program English / Dhivehi


Bank of Maldives to Establish Oncology Ward at IGM Hospital English / Dhivehi