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Kill Switch

Security feature to block access to your cards and Internet Banking in emergencies

Kill Switch

The ‘Kill Switch’ is a single action which allows customers to immediately log out of all active Internet and Mobile Banking sessions as well as freeze their cards in case of scams, preventing any further transactions from taking place.

The feature, available on the Internet Banking login page and Mobile Banking app, is a self-service function which can be activated by customers without contacting the Bank.

When to activate?

If you decide to activate the Kill Switch feature, your cards and Internet Banking will immediately freeze. This  function must be used in emergency situations when it is absolutely necessary. 

How to activate

To activate Kill Switch via Internet Banking

Step 1: Go to Internet Banking Login Page from the Bank’s website

Step 2: Click 'Kill Switch'

Step 3: Enter ID Card/Passport number

Step 4: Enter OTP to confirm

To activate Kill Switch via Mobile Banking

Step 1: Logout from your Mobile Banking account

Step 2: Click 'Log in' and tap on 'Kill Switch'

Step 3: Enter ID Card/Passport number

Step 4: Enter OTP to confirm

How to reactivate ?

You will only be able reactivate your Internet Banking and cards following a stringent verification process through the Contact Centre by calling 3330200 or by visiting the nearest branch.