Shari’ah compliant Cash financing option available for personal use
Get unsecured financing for your personal financing needs with our Shari’ah complaint Personal Financing facility. Our product is designed to offer you financing for goods purchased via Authorized Dealers or just cash based on your requirement.
*Instant approval of facility is applicable for BML Islamic Personal Financing -Cash Financing requests where the individual has received their salary consecutively for 12 months via BML payroll service and has maintained a satisfactory credit history with us.
To check your expected credit limit login to BML Internet Banking
For every individual credit facility that can be availed without security are as follows:
FAQ - BML Islamic Personal Financing | Dhivehi |
BML Islamic Authorized Dealers Agreement | English |
Sample Board Resolution For BML Islamic Authorized Dealers Agreement | English |
Schedule of Charges - BML Islamic | English / Dhivehi |
BML Islamic Personal Financing - Checklist | Dhivehi |
BML Islamic Authorized Dealers List | English |
Personal Financing Repayment Tier Table | English |
BML Islamic Personal Financing Application form | Dhivehi |
FAQ - Instant Financing | English |