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30th May 2020

Debit and Credit Card collection from Bank of Maldives

30th May 2020

Debit and Credit Card collection from Bank of Maldives

With the easing of lockdown in Male’ City, Bank of Maldives will resume card collection services via pre-booked appointments at our Customer Service Centre (CSC) from 1st June 2020. To enforce social distancing, limited number of customers will be served at a given time and card collection service from Customer Service Centre will be appointment based.  

During the first two weeks of June, the Customer Service Centre will be open on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm. Appointments can be made the day before each working day and once an appointment is successfully made, Maldives Police Service will send a permit via SMS with customers appointment time to visit the Bank.  

For more information please visit here